He is quite brilliant, look at some of his paintings, its not just some kid doodling paint .... there is a clarity of composition, there is structure in colour scheme selection. What is art? It is art, when it speaks to you.
His work is described as art in its purest form, untouched by life's pollutants and representative of what is important and beautiful. What makes it particularly special is it was created by a two-year-old … and it's been sold for $12,000.
Vinnie Marcis, who has high functioning autism, was 14-months-old when his mother Summa Shing first realised he had a gift.
"My grandfather, who is an art teacher, commented on how wonderful the works were," she said.
It was not only the family who were amazed by his talent, little Vinnie caught the attention of local art gallery owner and curator Troy Williams.
Mr Williams said he discovered Vinnie's ability when a friend told him to look at his paintings on Facebook.
"I didn't realise Vinnie was only two-years-old when I was looking at his works," said Mr Williams, who has seen the toddler in action.
"I liked what I saw and basically decided that I would like to represent the artist and do a show.''
He exhibited his work at C Gallery in Brisbane's Fortitude Valley last week, a show Mr Williams said was very successful.
"He's only got nine paintings left out of 30," he said.
"Also there was a little extra money made from donations at the bar, which was donated to the AEIOU Foundation [for children with autism]. People were astounded that the works were done by a two-year-old because they have so much maturity, composition and fluidity throughout."
Ms Shing has since provided an update on the show, reporting the works sold for about $12,000 in total, with 10 per cent of the profits donated to the AEIOU Foundation.
She said she felt Vinnie was aware of his achievement.
"He seemed to really turn it on that night and has been painting more than usual since," she said.
Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/entertainment/art-and-design/toddler-young-at-art-but-showing-a-maturity-to-turn-a-profit-20130411-2hog6.html#ixzz2QAibDlwL

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